
Sikkim allows people to forge fraternal ties with trees

The Hindu: Sikkim allows people to forge fraternal ties with trees KOLKATA ,   JANUARY 13, 2018   Government notification also allows a person to adopt or preserve them in remembrance of a departed relative Sikkim,   one of the cleanest and greenest north-eastern States is keen to not just preserve its forest cover but also forge amity between people and trees. Recently the Government of Sikkim came up with a unique way of preserving trees by encouraging people to forge a relationship of brotherhood or sisterhood with trees through a practice locally known as Mith/Mit or Mitini. A recent notification by the Forests, Environment & Wildlife Management Department, Government of Sikkim titled Sikkim Forest Tree (Amity & Reverence) Rules 2017 states that the “State government shall allow any person to associate with trees standing on his or her private land or on any public land by entering into a Mith/Mit or Mitini relationship.” ‘Own child’ The n...


SACRED GROVES AS COMMONS: THE SACRED AND SECULAR IN PEOPLE’S DOMAIN Kishore Saint I wish to explore the reality of sacred groves from a stance of multiplicity of meaning and interpretation. Every concrete natural-social feature on earth’s surface is an embodiment and expression of a great multitude of natural and human impulses, energies, relations and creeds. Without this holisitic understanding there is a serious danger of reductionism through which dimensions and categories of meaning distinct and autonomous get reduced into one-dimensional rationality. From this restriction of perception there is only a short step to theological, legal and technological definition, appropriation and incorporation in to the dominant systems of church, state and market management. This results in a permanent rupture and undermining of the human-nature relationship at the local community level, usually with adverse implications for both nature and people. In trying to describe and interpret the si...

Sacred, a way of life

Sacred, a way of life: Besides conserving individual tree species, indigenous communities have marked forested areas associated with deities, spirits, rituals and taboos in many places. Such places are known as sacred groves Quick Read Trees are intrinsically connected with Hinduism and felling them is generally discouraged Sacred groves are the live manifestations of historical, cultural and emotional attachment In many cases, the idea of preservation is not limited to specific forest patches only. Traditionally, communities have also revered mountain peaks and wildernesses. fore more  click here  

SACRED GROVES : Found: India’s vanishing village folk traditions

SACRED GROVES Found: India’s vanishing village folk traditions Discover how a Swiss dentist has made it a labour of love to document life-size terracotta statues from rural Indian traditions that could soon disappear.  During his trips to southern India Stephan Gottet would stumble upon sacred groves and shrines packed with hundreds of terracotta statues. By his next visit, they would be gone.  The only proof of their existence were the around 15,000 photos he had taken during his travels – evidence of what some see as cultural relics, and others as backward superstitions, that run parallel to mainstream Hinduism.  These traditions are now present in Gottet’s 376-page self-published book “Sacred groves – Mythical clay figures in southern India” that was released in March.  fore more click here  

Seed Sovereignty

  Do you know how people defy the monopoly that international seed giants seek to set up? Here is a story from northern Karnataka   FOR MORE : Click here Seed Sovereignty After a sumptuous Havyaka Oota – a traditional Malnad lunch, we thank Manorama for the healthy fare cooked from the ingredients that are all fresh out of her home garden, and settle down in the living room for a chat over chai. Manorama and Sunita reminisce about the days when the latter started Vanastree with a group of women in Neernalli village, six kilometres from main-town Sirsi. “I met Sunita through my husband who had helped her with some electrical work, and got interested in Vanastree,” recalls Manorama. “In the initial days, our local postman Seshadri helped us by hand-delivering our newsletters to women in the villages around Sirsi. Seshadri was very good at heart and multi-talented too – he doubled up as cook and  purohit,  acting as the situation called for it. Through his able...

जनसंख्या, स्कूलों, अधिकारियों व शिकायत से लेकर अटल केंद्र तक हर जानकारी ऑनलाइन

जनसंख्या, स्कूलों, अधिकारियों व शिकायत से लेकर अटल केंद्र तक हर जानकारी ऑनलाइन Bhaskar News Network | Last Modified - Jan 15, 2018   गांव-गांव को डिजिटल करने और गांव से जुड़ी शिक्षा, रोजगार, विकास, शिकायत करने, स्कूलों, टीचरों व अधिकारियों की नंबर... गांव-गांव को डिजिटल करने और गांव से जुड़ी शिक्षा, रोजगार, विकास, शिकायत करने, स्कूलों, टीचरों व अधिकारियों की नंबर सहित जानकारी ऑनलाइन उपलब्ध करवाने की अनूठी शुरुआत सवाईमाधोपुर के पांच गांवों से हुई है। स्थानीय विधायक दीया कुमारी की निगरानी में उनके आईटी व सोश्यल मीडिया का काम देख रहे वेब डवलपर हरि मरमट ने सवाईमाधोपुर के जटवाड़ा कलां, खिरचीपुर, कुंडेरा, खिरनी व मलारना डूंगर के गांव मकसूदनपुरा की अलग वेबसाइट तैयार की है। फिलहाल रणथंभोर के पास स्थित गांव चकेरी की वेबसाइट की कोडिंग जारी है। जहां जिला स्तर की वेबसाइट पर जिले की भौगोलिक स्थिति, जनसंख्या, अलग-अलग विभागों के डेटा सहित राजस्व संबंधी पूरी जानकारी मिलती थी, ठीक उसी तरह गांव स्तर की इन वेबसाइटों पर गांव से जुड़े ये सारे तथ्य समेटकर एक वेबपेज पर उपलब्ध कराए गए ...

the country’s First Agri-commodity Options Contracts in Guar Seed

Press Information Bureau  Government of India Ministry of Finance 14-January-2018 The Union Finance Minister, Shri Arun Jaitley launches the country’s First Agri-commodity Options Contracts in Guar Seed on the occasion of Makar Sankranti; FM: A significant step in the direction of agricultural trade as this will ensure that the farmers will receive a better price for their commodities. The Union Finance Minister, Shri Arun Jaitley said that India ranks among the fastest growing major economies in the world today. He said that since a large portion of our population is dependent on agriculture, it is important to have equitable growth. Shri Jaitley said that farmers have helped the country  to ​ overcome a long period of scarcities to reach the present era of abundance. ​ ​ The Union Finance Minister, Shri Arun Jaitley was delivering the Inaugural Address after launching the country’s first agri-commodity options in  Guar Seed in New Delhi today. He said that ...